Creative writing
”Oneiric Literature”
A creative writing workshop
Supervisor: Ruxandra Cesereanu
The Center for Imagination Studies aims at supporting not only academic, conceptualized research into the imaginary, but also artistic projects that investigate the world of phantasms. A small group of writers, who achieved literary recognition in the ‘90s and deploy techniques of penetrating the barriers of reality through hallucination, delirium, dream, nightmare, trance or ecstasy, are included under its umbrella. These writers, who are united by their common poetics and sensibility rather than by the mere label and group identity as (neo) oneiric artists, include:
– Corin Braga, with his tetralogy Sleepwalkers (two novels of which have been published: The Claustrophobic Man and Hydra) and with Oneiria. A Dream Journal (1985-1995).
– Ruxandra Cesereanu, with her poetry volumes: Garden of Delights, Live Zone, Schizoid Ocean, Venica with Violet Lashes; fiction: Journey through the Looking Glass, Purgatories; and an anthology of Romanian oneiric poetry: Deliriums and Deliria.
– Mona Chirila, director, with the shows The Mantle by Gogol; with scenes from Bulgakov; The Bloody Wedding, adapted after Lorca; and Nights from One Thousand and One.
– Judith Meszáros, with the poetry volumes: The Angelciad and Yellow Submarine
– Ovidiu Pecican, with the novel: My Monkey and I
Neo-oneiric poetic arts and literature attempt to retrieve the de-realization strategies and to revisit the parallel worlds – whether they be metaphysical, psychological or aesthetic – used or discovered (invented) by the Romantics, the Surrealists, and the Oneirics of the ‘60s and ‘70s. Neo-oneiric literature redeploys these themes in the context of the phobias of the new postmodern age, reflecting the ongoing crisis of ontology, using the neo-shamanic techniques of exploring parallel realities and the computer-age methods of virtually redesigning reality.
Within this domain, the Center organizes a creative writing workshop in oneiric literature, which started in the 2002-2003 academic year, under Ruxandra Cesereanu’s supervision. Its topics were:
Edition XXI – Scriere creatoare pe scenariu de film: Avatar
Jurnal de atelier
Scenarii Avatar II
Edition XX – Istoria religiilor III – Dobrogea (septembrie 2022)
Edition XIX – Atelier de proiecte digitale vizionare
Jurnal de bord
Synopsis – 6 proiecte
Edition XVIII – Atelier de scriere creatoare în poezie (despre inteligențele artificiale)
Edition XVII – Istoria religiilor II – Dobrogea (septembrie 2021)
Edition XVI – Istoria religiilor I – Dobrogea (august 2020)
Edition XV – Atelier de scriere creatoare – Casele melancoliei (20 aprilie 2019)
Edition XIV – Tabăra de scriere creatoare de la Săpânța (iulie 2018)
- Introducere
- Fotografii cu participanții
- Balade scrise în cadrul taberei
- Acuarele făcute de participanții la tabăra de scriere creatoare de la Săpânța
Edition XIII – Tabăra de proză de la Histria (iulie 2017)
Edition XII – Literatura provocata (Belis, 15-19 iulie 2016)
Edition XI – Zona balcanica poetica la Cluj
Invitati: Milan Dobricic si Ivan Hristov
27 mai 2016
Edition X – Cadavre exquis Dada (21 martie 2016)
Edition IX – Atelierul de scriere creatoare în proză de la Sulina
20-25 iulie 2015
Tutori: Ruxandra Cesereanu, Simona Popescu
Participanţi: Andra Felea, Kadar Szonja, Iulia Lăsconi, Andreea Cristina Mircea, Călina Părău, Alin Rotaru Segall, Tudos Scolca
1. Jurnale de bord – Tabara de scriere creatoare de la Sulina
2. Atelierul condus de Ruxandra Cesereanu
3. Atelierul condus de Simona Popescu
4. Fotografii de grup cu participanții la atelierul de la Sulina
Edition VIII – Atelier de scriere creatoare pe scenariu de film (continuări la filmele Inception, Vanilla Sky, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Octombrie 2014 – iunie 2015, Facultatea de Litere din Cluj – Atelier propus si condus de Ruxandra Cesereanu
Participanti: Amalia Cotoi, Cristina Diamant, Adelina Haş, Iulia Lăsconi, Denisa Adriana Moldovan, Mădălina Pănescu, Călina Părău, Emanuela Pustan, Mihaela Vancea
1. Galerie Foto
3. Continuari la filmul Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4. Continuari la filmul Vanilla Sky
5. Continuari la filmul Inception
Edition VII – Povesti dunarene – Polul Cultural Cetate, 8-14 iunie 2014
Atelier propus si condus de Ruxandra Cesereanu
Participanti – Marius Conkan, Suzana Lungu, Valentin Moldovan, Lavinia Rogojina, Simina Ratiu, Dana Bizuleanu, Cosmin Perta si Ruxandra Cesereanu
1. Stime Parc – o introducere
2. Galerie foto
3. Marius Conkan – Inger parc
4. Suzana Lungu – Asa cu bulgarii
Film despre tabara de scriere creatoare in proza de la Polul Cultural Cetate, 8-14 iunie 2014
Edition VI – Atelier de scriere creatoare pe muzica psihedelica si proza, 2012
Edition V – Atelierul 1001 de nopti
- Practici culturale in 1001 de nopti
- Reportaj1: Suzana Lungu si Cristina Vidrutiu
- Reportaj2: Valentin Moldovan
- Valentin Moldovan: Pilda mancarurilor vorbitoare
Edition IV
Edition III
- Atelier 1
- Atelier 2
- Atelier 3
- Atelier 4
- Atelier 5
- Atelier 6
- Atelier 7
- Atelier 8
- Atelier 9
- Atelier 10
- Atelier 11
Edition II
Edition I
Responsabil: Ruxandra Cesereanu
”Oneiric Literature”
A creative writing workshop
Supervisor: Ruxandra Cesereanu
The Center for Imagination Studies aims at supporting not only academic, conceptualized research into the imaginary, but also artistic projects that investigate the world of phantasms. A small group of writers, who achieved literary recognition in the ‘90s and deploy techniques of penetrating the barriers of reality through hallucination, delirium, dream, nightmare, trance or ecstasy, are included under its umbrella. These writers, who are united by their common poetics and sensibility rather than by the mere label and group identity as (neo) oneiric artists, include:
– Corin Braga, with his tetralogy Sleepwalkers (two novels of which have been published: The Claustrophobic Man and Hydra) and with Oneiria. A Dream Journal (1985-1995).
– Ruxandra Cesereanu, with her poetry volumes: Garden of Delights, Live Zone, Schizoid Ocean, Venica with Violet Lashes; fiction: Journey through the Looking Glass, Purgatories; and an anthology of Romanian oneiric poetry: Deliriums and Deliria.
– Mona Chirila, director, with the shows The Mantle by Gogol; with scenes from Bulgakov; The Bloody Wedding, adapted after Lorca; and Nights from One Thousand and One.
– Judith Meszáros, with the poetry volumes: The Angelciad and Yellow Submarine
– Ovidiu Pecican, with the novel: My Monkey and I
Neo-oneiric poetic arts and literature attempt to retrieve the de-realization strategies and to revisit the parallel worlds – whether they be metaphysical, psychological or aesthetic – used or discovered (invented) by the Romantics, the Surrealists, and the Oneirics of the ‘60s and ‘70s. Neo-oneiric literature redeploys these themes in the context of the phobias of the new postmodern age, reflecting the ongoing crisis of ontology, using the neo-shamanic techniques of exploring parallel realities and the computer-age methods of virtually redesigning reality.
Within this domain, the Center organizes a creative writing workshop in oneiric literature, which started in the 2002-2003 academic year, under Ruxandra Cesereanu’s supervision. Its topics were:
Edition XXI – Scriere creatoare pe scenariu de film: Avatar
Jurnal de atelier
Scenarii Avatar II
Edition XX – Istoria religiilor III – Dobrogea (septembrie 2022)
Edition XIX – Atelier de proiecte digitale vizionare
Jurnal de bord
Synopsis – 6 proiecte
Edition XVIII – Atelier de scriere creatoare în poezie (despre inteligențele artificiale)
Edition XVII – Istoria religiilor II – Dobrogea (septembrie 2021)
Edition XVI – Istoria religiilor I – Dobrogea (august 2020)
Edition XV – Atelier de scriere creatoare – Casele melancoliei (20 aprilie 2019)
Edition XIV – Tabăra de scriere creatoare de la Săpânța (iulie 2018)
Edition XIII – Tabăra de proză de la Histria (iulie 2017)
Edition XII – Literatura provocata (Belis, 15-19 iulie 2016)
Edition XI – Zona balcanica poetica la Cluj
Invitati: Milan Dobricic si Ivan Hristov
27 mai 2016
Edition X – Cadavre exquis Dada (21 martie 2016)
Edition IX – Atelierul de scriere creatoare în proză de la Sulina
20-25 iulie 2015
Tutori: Ruxandra Cesereanu, Simona Popescu
Participanţi: Andra Felea, Kadar Szonja, Iulia Lăsconi, Andreea Cristina Mircea, Călina Părău, Alin Rotaru Segall, Tudos Scolca
1. Jurnale de bord – Tabara de scriere creatoare de la Sulina
2. Atelierul condus de Ruxandra Cesereanu
3. Atelierul condus de Simona Popescu
4. Fotografii de grup cu participanții la atelierul de la Sulina
Edition VIII – Atelier de scriere creatoare pe scenariu de film (continuări la filmele Inception, Vanilla Sky, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Edition VII – Povesti dunarene – Polul Cultural Cetate, 8-14 iunie 2014
Atelier propus si condus de Ruxandra Cesereanu
Participanti – Marius Conkan, Suzana Lungu, Valentin Moldovan, Lavinia Rogojina, Simina Ratiu, Dana Bizuleanu, Cosmin Perta si Ruxandra Cesereanu
1. Stime Parc – o introducere
2. Galerie foto
3. Marius Conkan – Inger parc
4. Suzana Lungu – Asa cu bulgarii
Film despre tabara de scriere creatoare in proza de la Polul Cultural Cetate, 8-14 iunie 2014
Edition VI – Atelier de scriere creatoare pe muzica psihedelica si proza, 2012
Edition V – Atelierul 1001 de nopti
Edition IV
Edition III
Edition II
Edition I
Responsabil: Ruxandra Cesereanu